Sunday, February 12, 2012

What Was Punch Magazine?

By Owen Jones

In all probability the first name that comes to mind whilst thinking of the history of cartoons is that of Punch.

It was a British weekly magazine of humour and satire published between 1841 and 1992. It was started in July 1841 by Henry Mayhew who, with Mark Lemon, was accountable for the editing, and engraver Ebenezer Landells who took care of the illustrations.

Its original sub-title was The London Charivari, after a French satirical humour publication known as Le Charivari. Revealing their satiric and humorous intent, the two editors took the name of the anarchic glove puppet, Mr. Punch, of Punch and Judy fame as the title of the new periodical.

However the name is also a play on words regarding the name of the co-editor Mark Lemon, in that "punch is nothing without lemon". Mayhew did not stay with the magazine for long. He ceased being joint editor in 1842 and became "suggestor in chief" until he left in 1845.

Punch was responsible for the word "cartoon" in the sense of a comic drawing. In fact one of its most famous cartoons, drawn by George Du Maurier, the grandfather of the novelist Dame Daphne Du Maurier , gave birth to the phrase ?it is good in parts, like the curate?s egg?. The phrase derives from a cartoon entitled "True Humility".

It pictured a timid-looking curate taking breakfast in his bishop's house.The bishop says, "I'm afraid you've got a bad egg, Mr Jones." The curate replies, "Oh, no, my Lord, I assure you that parts of it are excellent!"

Yet probably its most famous cartoon is entitled ? Dropping the Pilot? . This was a political cartoon by Sir John Tenniel, first published in March 1890. It depicts the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, as a shipping pilot, stepping off a ship watched by the German Emperor Wilhelm II. Bismarck had just resigned as Chancellor at Wilhelm's insistence.

After a very difficult beginning with much financial trouble and lack of market success, Punch became a must-have for British middle class drawing rooms because it not only displayed a sophisticated sense of humour and but did not contain the offensive material so prevalent in much of the alternative satirical press of the time.

The Times used small pieces from Punch as column fillers, giving the magazine free publicity and indirectly conferring a degree of respectability, However respectability was truly gained when it was learned that Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were to be found amongst it readership.

The circulation of Punch peaked during the 1940s at 175,000 but thereafter fell into decline, until in 1992 ,after 150 years the magazine was compelled to close.

In 1996, the Egyptian businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed became tired of the many criticisms he had to put up with from the publication Private Eye and bought the rights to the Punch name with a view to using it to contend with his antagonist. He relaunched it later that year, but it never achieved any degree of circulation or profitability and in May 2002 it was announced that Punch would at long last close for good

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