Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting Your Xbox Repaired Quickly

By Louis Stevenson

So many people have bought the Xbox 360 so chances are a lot of them will have problems with it. Read on to learn what you can do to get it fixed fast and easily.

It has all the features you can ask for as well as a DVD player built in. However many of these consoles get problems. One of the most common errors a Xbox gets if known as the red ring of death. This usually occurs when the hard drive fails.

So at this point you are thinking that the warranty can cover it. You can most likely get it fixed for free if you bought the Xbox 360 within the last 3 years. But you need to bare in mind that it will take a while for it to come back.

Sending it in to Microsoft can still be done even without the warranty. If the warranty has expired then you will have to pay them about $140 for the repair. This is usually the safe way to go but it takes a while. You will also have to call them up to have them send you a box for it to be shipped in.

If sending your Xbox 360 in does not sound like the best way for getting it fixed then there is another way. It has worked for the majority of gamers. What I am talking about is using an Xbox repair guide to show you how to fix the Xbox yourself.

You just simply watch the videos and read the step by step guide to repair your Xbox and it should be working again in no time. Seriously some guides actually guarantee you will have it working again in under an hour. It is not uncommon to be able to play again in this amount of time. This sure beats sending it in for a couple of months.

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