Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Easy Methods to Get WOW Gold

By Irwin Aldo

World of Warcraft is a worldwide popular MMORPG with the largest number of subscribers. With a multitude of players in the game, there is a huge amount of free information available on all aspects. It also comes some obvious side-effects of those who wish to get profit from it, and there a lot of WOW Gold guides sold for 5 to 50 dollars.

Fishing - With the addition of Stonescale Eel pools, it is not as lucrative as it once was, but it is still a decent money-maker. If you're tired of hacking and slashing, and you need a break, pick up a fishing pole! Stonescale eels are still the greatest gold maker I know when it comes to sport fishing. Plus, a new quest in the Burning Crusade expansion can get you a fantastic +20 angling pole for free! If your character is not in the level high enough for the, you should head to the Wailing Caverns in the Barrens and fish for deviate fish. These also don't sell for what they once did, but they are able to create a lower-level character a decent little cash quickly.

Questing - I realize many people have started recommending that you just grind levels, claiming that it is quicker to grind than to roam around picking up and completing quests. I think this is not true. I believe questing ranges you are much quicker than grinding, and you can pick up some great dollars completing quests. I have produced up to 200 Gold per day over a character in the low 60's in level! That was for questing alone, and does not count the addition 100+ gold I produced from herbalism and mining.

(I understand this character broke my skinning + another gathering occupation rule, but the guildmate which I adventure most normally is skinner, so we work pretty well together.) I recommend completing several quests as possible although leveling your character, because this can net you more Gold in World of Warcraft than just gathering alone.

If you follow these simple steps and examples, you will be on your way to making WOW gold fast| in no time at all.

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