Thursday, October 27, 2011

The facts about the proflight simulator

By Vickie T. Huffaker

Most of us can`t afford to attend pilot schools but that is no reason why not to try some of the many fly simulators and try to see how is to fly a plane. Nowadays the preflight simulator is considered as one of the best and most realistic simulators. That is something that you can find in almost every proflight simulator review. However, some would say that these days too many people write too many things and you can`t fully rely on what is said in it. That is true but only to a certain point. My point that a certain percentage of those review are made by aviators with plenty of experience with real planes and their opinion is what counts the most.

The thing is that every review made by a pilot or maybe even former air traffic controller agrees that it is a great simulator. They are professionals that know what they write about and they can exactly what the good and what the bad features are of the simulator. The main problem for most of us is because sometimes we can`t tell if the proflight simulator review is written by such professional or by someone that doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.

The terms that are used in the review are the thing that can help you make a difference. The ones that write reviews only because are not good at it often blame the controls or the maker of the simulator claiming that is made too complicated and is no good at all without any details. Blaming everyone that has to do with the simulator is the style of someone that couldn't even understand the concept of the simulator.

Well, the thing is that the simulators are not that easy and if you want to be good than you need to prepare yourself first. If you are a patient person that is ready to learn how, you won`t have any problems at all. You can Play airplane landing games and learn from it. You can also If you can find few reviews made by real former or current aviators than you will be able to recognize if you come across any other review made by aviator. You won`t have any problems to recognize the used terms.

Another way for finding a good simulator is to ask your flight instructor to recommend you one. The odds are good that he knows a good one that he recommends to his pilot students. Even if you are not attending pilot school you can ask some of the instructors that work there and they will tell you what simulator to go with. There are Airplane landing games you can play which are also as helpful.

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