Sunday, July 18, 2010

Great Ways To Use Registry Cleaners To Improve Computer Speed

By Victor Hart

Registry cleaners will help you to remove unneeded and unwanted entries in your Windows operating system registry. If you don't remove these entries they will accumulate over time and inevitably slow down the performance of your computer.

The Windows registry is a database that stores the data required for Windows to operate. Every time a program is added or deleted registry entries are made. Over time the database grows and the larger it gets the longer the computer takes to find and access the information it needs.

Selecting the remove or uninstall programs option from control panel should result in all the associated entries in the register being removed. But, sometimes a few files may be missed. The only way to remove these orphans is by searching and manually deleting them. Or, use a cleaning program. Leaving them there will slow down performance.

It is not only your activity that can create entries in the database. When you surf the internet the computer can be exposed to malware and spyware that use the Windows registry as a place to hide and attack your computer. You won't find an option to delete these in your control panel.

When orphan entries from deleted programs and other unwelcome entries begin to accumulate it affects the performance of your computer. Even though they are of no use to you, the registry will read them when searching for appropriate reference points.

Computer programs are available that scan and check the registry of Windows operating systems for entries that are not associated with installed programs. These cleaners will present you with information about obsolete and orphan entries and give you the opportunity to delete or retain them.

If you happen to have an above average level of knowledge about how Windows works you could check the operating system registry yourself. But, if there are thousands of entries it will take you some time. Using a cleaner makes this task much faster and if cleaning doesn't improve the performance then you could use your expertise to find the problem.

When the operating system registry is not cleaned there is a risk that incompatible or malicious entries will cause the computer to crash. Or, it may hang in the start up process. If this happens and you need to get a technician to fix it you could find it a very expensive exercise.

Regularly running registry cleaners can protect you from poor computer performance. Before you go out and buy upgrades, or call a technician to find the problem, run a cleaner. It is likely this will improve your computer's functioning substantially.

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