Sunday, October 2, 2011

World Of Warcraft's Secret To Success

By Jayne Kenely

The difference between being your averaged geared lvl 85 player, and being someone that's really good at playing WoW is massive. That's why some players continue to be standouts no matter what gear they have, or what level you're all at. Usually the best players have the benefit of the secrets that LvL 86 review will teach.

What secrets are those you're probably wondering? Well there are quite a few on offer here, but mainly they are going to help you better understand how you can control your character.

What does this entail? Basically learning and mastering the key bindings that you need to make you a crazy good player. With just a few simple control changes, you will be amazed at how much more effectively you can manage your toon.

When you're at the level cap, and everybody is basically using the same equipment, it's that which makes a difference after all isn't it?

But what are macros you ask? Basically they are key assignments that you can make up, so that your character can carry out certain actions, without you needing to manually input your controls.

Learn how you can fire everything you've got at someone, with all your most powerful and elaborate spell combos, faster than ever before.

Of course, not everybody will find macros very easy to use, so what are you to do when you find them too complicated? Well you can always return Lvl 86 within the first 60 days for a full refund.

When these little things click remarkably well, you'll be amazed at how they are a long term game changer for the type of player you become. Whether you want to dominate raids, or PvP, this is the guide you need.

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