Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cafe World - A High Speed Leveling Plan That Works

By Larry Ivy

How to level up as rapidly as possible - this is one of the highest goals of every Cafe World player out there. When you are stuck at level 10 and watching your neighbors move upward, it gets maddening. This is reasonable because when you get to the higher levels, there are many more things you can do. To get to the highest levels in the game promptly, here are several tips.

In the Beginning Understand What to Cook

The only way to level up is by cooking the right dishes. With each dish, there is a another cooking time, serving volume, and number of Cafe Points awarded for each customer you serve it to. Hence, choosing the dishes to cook will affect how rapidly you can advance to the upper levels. A good approach in the beginning is to decide on the dishes that cook the fastest. This way, you can serve many more customers and by being online repeatedly, you can serve new dishes every so often.

Two good examples of this are Bacon Cheeseburgers and Chips and Guacamole. Both dishes take only 5 minutes to cook and they furnish 7 and 5 cafe points for finishing them up. If you can stay logged on and cook these dishes over and over again, you will get a great deal more points than you would by cooking a 24 hour dish that only awards slightly added cafe points.

Decide on the Correct Layout and Schedule

Now that you realize what to cook, you should know how to setup your cafe and work out a schedule for cooking those dishes. This is key in more ways than just leveling. It will directly affect your Buzz Rating as well as how many coins you can make per hour - two stats you want to keep a close eye on as you get higher in levels. Eventually, those two stats will be all that matters to you.

For now, you should try to setup your cafe so that servers don't need to travel far between customers and serving tables. This will speed up service and if you are rotating a new dish out every 5 minutes, it will boost your buzz rating and get you more customers, which means more cafe points and higher levels.

Scheduling is an added central aspect. You may not be able to log on to the game for hours at a time and cook burgers every five minutes. Consequently select dishes that earn high cafe points over a period of time that works for you. The game includes dishes that can be cooked over a broad variety of intervals - from 2 to 48 hours.

All said and done, you will need to be well informed in the many strategies of Cafe World as possible. It's like a balancing act in the different aspects of leveling up - your cafe point gain, your coin increase and your buzz rating. Once you can do that, you're headed for the higher ratings.

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