Saturday, April 14, 2012

Buying Runescape Gold with PayPal

By Jessie Linamen

Runescape is a multiplayer online role playing game developed by Jagex Ltd. The whole game is set in the fantasy world of Gielinor. Wars and fights are take place in the area. Players need to take part in the wars or fights. The goal of every game player is to win the battle. After the players won the battle, they will get some prize from the game system. The reward could be pure Runescape gold or other items.

The economy of the game is founded on gold coins. Players can earn RS gold in the game by doing quests and creating items. The items can be bought from the Grand Exchange for gold. Or the items can be sold to other players directly. If you have earned enough gold and you also do not need so much gold, you can sell the gold for real money.

Getting items is vital to make gold in the game. All the items can be sold to in the Grand Exchange. The Grand Exchange will be the economy center of the game. Players buy and sell items there. Players craft items and then sell them for profit.

I have some suggestions for you about this. Choose a safe website to sell your gold. Often there are many players buy RS gold from the online site. The site sells gold need to complete their resource. Not every site sells Runescape will buy Runescape gold from players. Many of the gold sellers have a permanent resource of gold.

The site operates 24/7 the particular feature of the site is teaching people how to do well in the game play. They have published many articles about the game play and you can learn the money making skills from their articles. They have beginner guide and gold farming tips. All the source are free.

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