Friday, April 27, 2012

The Guild Wars 2 Races

By Deloris Ciesluk

Do you know the Guild Wars? Have you been a player in the Guild Wars? Now the updated expansion has been released. It is called the Guild Wars second . A lot of players are interested in this game because they want to experience the unknown world of Guild Wars. This article is mainly about the races in Guild Wars 2 . You can choose one race from the five races below.

The players are interested in this game because they think they can explore in a brand new game world. They never know what is waiting for them in the future. So they want to have a try of the unknown world. The players get to know the game mainly through the official website and the game guide. The people like to buy some guide for their action.

The tragedy makes the people passing away. Then God created another species to save the people on the continent. The heroes come up about the continent. The heroes are controlled by the game players. That is how this game was created. There are several kinds of heroes. The players can create one kind of character and after that play his role to save the people on the continent.

Human are the smartest race in the property of Tyria. They are clever in the battles and the land is giving them the edge on fight. The Norn has 9 feet. They are 9-foot warriors lived in the far east of the property. They can use the spirit of the nature in their battles. They can change the shape of their body and they can bear hard beat. They can change to a bear or other animals.

They are reconstructed the cities to form an alliance to check out chance to have battles with the dragons. They reunion the people on the continent plus they want to drive the dragons out of the continent. The characters become the leader of the run away and hopeless people of the land. They are leading the people to make GW2 gold and gather items and materials that of great help to them.

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