Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fastest Way to Earn WOW Scryers Rep

By Clinton Stagnaro

In WOW, there are many kinds of professions, including Leatherworking. Skinning is a great way to fuel Leatherworking profession and make a few bucks on the side. Although it is easy to master, there are still some things players don't know about it.

First of all, skinning blade is the most important. This is the tool of your trade, and should be kept on your character all the time. You never understand the time you need it, so just keep it at hand. Then, let it be natural. There's no need to go rushing ahead into an area that is too much for you. You cannot skin anything. Just skin the animals in your current area, and then leave when you are ready.

Exit Shattrath Town and go into Terrokar Forest. Find the Firewing blood elf camp in the northest section of Terrokar. Then, kill the blood elves and collect 250 dropped Firewing Signets. Go back to the Scryer's Tier in Shattrath City and speak to Magistrix Fyalen. Complete the "Firewing Signets" quest and also the "More Firewing Signets" quest until you have turned in all the signets. This can increase your reputation to the Honored status.

Think about Leatherworking. Leatherworking provides decent armor for a good portion in the game. Skinning is the best source of fuel for Leatherworking, making Skinning/Leatherworking an excellent combination for Leather-wearers. What's more, according to your server's economy, Mining may (or may not) be a better choice for making World of Warcraft gold. Skin the big guys. When you can get around to it, the Devilsaurs in Un'Goro crater will occasionally drop their Devilsaur Hide when skinned. These are rare and valuable. Farm these when you are in at least level 58.

Return to Netherstorm and kill any Sunfury blood elves to collect the signets. The amount you need to get to the Exalted status with the Scryers is according to how many of the Scryer quests you completed and how many Arcane Tomes you have got. At last, turn in the Sunfury Signets at Magistrix Fyalen until you achieve the Exalted reputation status.

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