Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fun Space Battles In Modern Games

By Skyla V. Toy

Space Battles are a key aspect of science fiction games so the designers who make those games always want to create special, exciting battles. There are currently more video games available than in the past and a considerable portion of them are designed to be played on the Internet. Lots of popular video game consoles are also available, but the reality is that the sector of gaming that is seeing the most growth is that of online games. Even though this shift has been seen as far as the platform for new games is concerned, many of the design elements that made video games popular for consoles are still being used for online games.

Science fiction themed games tend to take place in futuristic settings in deep space, using space travel and alien planets to fascinate gamers. When you play a game set in a science fiction alternate universe, you have the opportunity to experience something totally different and unique from your typical reality. If you are a big fan of a science fiction movie or book series, you may be able to find a game that incorporates characters and stories from those series; in other cases, games are made with fresh creatures, worlds, and story lines.

Other players and the computer controlled characters are both pitted against you in the space battles featured in sci-fi games. The programming of many games has not granted gamers an authentic challenge when it comes to such battles, especially since some enemies are very predictable. The excitement of the latest online games is that you can never predict what your enemies will do because they are other players just like you; this creates a unique challenge that you cannot find in a typical one-player game.

Massively multiplayer online games are pushing the most innovative concepts in multiplayer gaming because they gather thousands of gamers together in the same online gaming environment. The latest MMORPG's that allow for online multiplayer gaming are mostly designed for computers so that they can remain connected to the gaming server at all times, though some have been released on consoles as well.

Every video game offers its own unique take on the science fiction genre, but you will notice that a few common themes run through all games in this category. Multiplayer gaming has made video games more exciting than ever, especially when you team up with other gamers for space battles and other challenges.

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