Saturday, December 1, 2012

To Grind Honor In WOW

By Anissa Krolikowski

World of Warcraft is an extremely popular MMORPG in the world. There are millions of subscribers in the game. WOW maps are great guides to help players to play the game smoothly.

Grinding honor Take participate in Battlegrounds. Alterac Valley is a great place to earn honor as there are a huge number of players in the match. In addition , the games can also last longer than other battlegrounds. This makes it a great place to grind honor by killing players. There are also "Battleground Weekends", which is a specific battleground has increased honor rewards hanging around.

Travel to a place where World PVP is enabled. Wintergrasp in Northrend, Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands in Azeroth, and Hellfire Penisula, Zangarmarsh, Terrokar Forest and Nagrand in Outland, and so on, are this kind of places. You should kill players and be a part of the World PvP objectives.

For instance, you will gain additional honor in Silithus by collecting and capturing Silithyst. In Eastern Plaguelands, players can earn extra honor points by capturing and holding towers. A captured tower can also draw more players to this place. You cannot earn honor through players who are more than 8 levels below your level in the game.

The learning curve of WOW is steep, and one of the elements of learning that need to be mastered involved many different kinds of maps that the game uses. Among the types of maps used in World of Warcraft are City Maps, Flight Maps and Instance Maps. In these categories are a mind-boggling number of specific maps with names like the Swamp of Sorrows Chart, Caverns of Time Map and the Ruins of Ahn'Quiraj Map. Although there are a huge number of maps in the game, new players do not have to be afraid that every map will eventually be used. Meanwhile, it is vital to learn the way to access these maps before you may need them.

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