Sunday, December 2, 2012

Leveling WOW From 50 To 60 Fast

By Osvaldo Mckeighan

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular MMORPGs in the world. In this game, players do quests and lore to learn the history of the world referred to as Azeroth, and players have a great number of items to earn, a lot of monsters to kill and areas to go. However , WOW asks for monthly subscription. Some players might think this is a little bit too expensive for them to explore a virtual world. Thus, there are many free versions of the game created by the players themselves, like Naxp. These versions are called private severs.

First of all, do your best to complete the quests you accepted, and then go back to your capital city to visit your class trainer after you get to level 50. Then, be a member of the random dungeon finder if you are a DPS class. Tanks and healers can find a group at once, so you'd better join only a couple of times every hour when you have completed the quests.

Go to Searing Gorge, no matter you are Horde or Alliance. After you enter this place, complete the quest at Thorium Stage. Go on with the quest lines until you have finished all the quests in this area. Then, you can level up 3 or 4.

If you are looking for challenges, you can try dungeon mounts. They are in the hands or claws of certain bosses in specific dungeons in the game. Players might get one if they have killed the boss for enough times. The drop chance is very low and all players need is luck.

Finish all the quests in Swamp of Sorrows when running random dungeons after you find a group. All gamers can eventually be guided to Blasted Lands. Then, finish the quests in Blasted Lands until you get to level 58. What's more, gamers can go through the Dark Portal in Blasted Land at once after you get to level 58. All players will get quests pointing them to Thrallmar and also Honor Hold respectively. After doing these quests, you will soon get to level 60.

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