Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Professions You Should Know in RIFT

By Micaela Mcnealey

In most massively multi-player online games, players do not have a good knowledge of the vocations. But the professions are very important for a character. They should know well of the professions so that they can choose a good profession. According to the players, mining, butchery and foraging are the three good professions. The RIFT players can take all of the three professions.

Have some good professions and have a good knowledge of the actual auction house, you can make a large amount of gold in RIFT. Farming and the auction house could be the first two options for you to make gold in RIFT. You know you have another way to make profit in the game. You can make money by offering service to other people.

Sometimes, you can get some RIFT platinum form the monster. The items and weapons can be dropped by the monsters too. With the mining profession, you can extract ores from lodes. The ores are very precious items that needed by most of the players. You can sell the ores in the auction house for a lot of RIFT platinum. The foraging profession can help you gather plants and wood logs.

You can use the plants to create potions or you can sell them in the auction house. Some players would like to buy RIFT platinum to get the plants because the plants can form a kind of potion which can be able to revival the character again. The wooden logs can be sold or can be used to make other items.

Often the players will receive this kind of service because it is not expensive. You can collect more materials at once and this way you will be able to get more people buy from you. During a period of time, it is easy to gather the materials. You can do some research about this. You will surely benefit form it.

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