Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Get to Know the Monk Character in WOW

By Alexandra Nuckolls

In the expansion of the Wrath of the Lich King, the players can have one more choice of the class. The hero class is exclusive to the Wrath from the Lich King. The Death Knight is a very powerful class. The death knight combines martial prowess with dark and necromantic energies. It is the first hero class in World of Warcraft. You can only obtain access to the original class before you reach level 55.

You should first have a non-hero-class figure. If you want to get a death knight character you need to level your character to level fifty five. Level 55 or above is the only prerequisite to be able to create a death knight character. Therefore the players are aiming at leveling up their characters. You will get a new start at level 55 inside the Eastern Plaguelands. There you will start with the death knight character. It is not safe to buy Wow gold from the outside game world.

You will have multiple spells and abilities to utilize. Of course you will be more powerful than the non-hero-class characters. The death knight is a cross class and it is able to tank or deal damage. We can regard it a melee class with casting abilities.

The monk can use the pole arms, staves, one hand weapons and perhaps they are also good at using the fist weapons. They are good at a kind of kongfu like talent. They can use the cloth and leather for armors. It can add agility to the armors and they also can get stat bonuses. They are they newest class that can use the chi system like death knight and warriors. Even they are the newest to use the system they are not the worst to use that. You can find out that read more is on sale in the Gamesworth. com.

Although they can have minions, they will be a pet class. They can be a pet class when they have suitable talent. They are able to use some of the mechanics. The death knight is the only class that could use the rune resource system. It is amazing that the death knight have their own talent trees and shrubs. The talent trees are comparable to the current classes. It is attracting to be a hero class. This is the goal of most of the players.

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