Monday, June 25, 2012

How To Deal With Typical PS3 Error Codes

By Russell Strider

PS3 error codes are often discouraging to Playstation 3 owners. What a lot of people find most irritating is a good number of the codes are vague; thus, PS3 users aren't sure what they indicate or the best way to remedy the issue. Fortunately the internet is a powerful resource, simply because quite a few PS3 users who have experienced these types of issues are attempting to help others by posting resolutions on discussion boards. Below are a number of PS3 error codes and solutions.

Error Code 80010001

This error code will mean a serious hardware failure. This is something the person must have repaired.

Error Code 80010006

This code is one of the much more prevalent PS3 issues. This particular code means there's an issue being able to access the file. As the file might be corrupt, people need to attempt erasing, and then reloading the file. Simply go to the recovery menu and choose "restore file system" on your menu.

Error Code 8001000B

This code means the system is unable to access data from an internal hard disc or thumb drive. This error code is simple to resolve because the primary cause is commonly a bad connection. Make sure to check to determine whether the device is plugged in properly. In addition look for damaged connectors or frayed cords. In case the problem persists, your system may have to be fixed.

Error Code 80010017

System not able to load game data or game from the disc is another frequent error. In the event that PS3 users have this problem, they need to try cleaning the disc and then re-install the game data. In the event the problem is still not remedied there might be a corrupt file. If that is the case, the person must go back to the recovery menu.

Error Code 8001050F

This code means the Playstation network is down. The explanation for this has been traced to an internal clock error attributable to a leap year. Consequently, plenty of PS3s were not able to link to the PSN.

Error Code 80010514

This code consists of a disc reading error. Plenty of times this particular problem will be resolved by simply cleaning the disc.

Error Code 80023101

Error 80023101 is a basic Playstation store password problem. To fix this problem, head over to account management and alter the password.

Error Code 80028EA5

This code is about a difficulty connecting online. Most likely this is due to an overabundance of internet users. Test rebooting the system and resetting the router or modem. Also check for loose network cables.

Error Code 80028F17

This particular code implies the PS1 or PS2 game is not recognizable. If cleaning the disc or rebooting the system fails, people may want to check their systems for compatibility.

Error Code 80029513

That is one of the PS3 error codes that appear when the PSN is unable to determine whether the system is permitted to play the content. People will need to check to find out whether they are employing accounts associated with the content. They should additionally check to find out if the system is activated, then download the content from the download list. In the event the content cannot be found on the download list, the account is unauthorized.

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