Friday, June 29, 2012

Level Characters in World of Warcraft with Rested Experience

By Janetta Ohearn

WOW is an extremely popular MMORPG in the world. It provides players opportunities to explore and complete missions in a simulated fantasy world. Some hard missions amongst people will take players a large amount of time to get through without cheating. Here are some Binder cheats to help players to play more easily.

Warp Ten is a cheat which will allow you to pace up the construction of any building in the game. Press the "Enter" key in your keyboard and then type "WarpTen" into the screen. Press the "Enter" key once again and watch for the "Cheat Code Enabled" text to pop-up. You can now construct buildings ten times faster than before. If you have a hankering to play God, then this cheat will definitely feed your appetite. Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard and type "WhosYourDaddy" into the screen. Press the "Enter" key once again allowing "God Mode".

Members of certain classes, such as priests and paladins, benefit more from specific enchants. A holy priest will benefit more than others from enchants like Exceptional Spirit, while a holy paladin benefits more from Spellpower enchants. Protection warriors benefit more from Strength enchants, which also cause weapons to glow green. Mages use Intellect enchantments; these typically glow yellow.

The subsequent action is to leave the city and kill monsters that are around your level until you obtain enough experience to exhaust your accumulated rested experience. Rested experience will cause you to obtain experience points from monsters twice as fast as normal, but it will not increase experience gains from other sources such as PVP or quests.

Once a character reaches level 75, any in-game enchantment could very well be used; however, some enchantments also require the weapon's item level if you are someplace between 200 and 300. Glowing enchants can be found for almost each and every character level.

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