Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Discussion on WoW Great Item Squishing

By Lee Montemarano

Blizzard has pointed out that it is time to rein things in, before our screens are full of numbers and also the game becomes too inflated with stats. There are two methodologies they could use. The first is to crunch all of the numbers inside on WoW great item squishing and the other is to, rather than dealing several million damage, do 4 mega damage. Both are valid options, but neither are good ones.

If we squish all the item level down then everyone will not be as cool as before, actually squishing the cool right out of them. Of course , we'd all be doing the same percentage, nevertheless the numbers will feel like back to the Burning Crusade days versus being the particular terrible captains of amazing we are today. There will be no Gods in WoW when they crit and it'll be a little heartsick. On the other side, mega damage gets to the same result, just taking another path.

If we leave things the way they are at current, as you can see above, the stats are nothing but going to maintain getting much more ridiculous. This has many bad things with it. Therefore, using any ways to fix it is a wonderful thing because at least we can possibly think out what our damage is. However, if we lower exactly what our damage numbers are (even if we still do the same percentage of damage in order to monsters) then we will probably get angry, disappointed, and probably throw our footwear at our monitors.

Yet awesome, the weapons are part of the leaders who own them. To give the legendary weapons and gold to be able to players would probably cheapen them. It is good to take weapons off the corpses of our fallen foes, but legendary weapons and gold like Shalamayne are legendary since they are held by the wonderful and great of every faction. Before Difficulty reveiled, Blizzard promised us Frosmourne while actually recanted when they realized it would not possible be possible, within the boundaries of Azeroth's lore, for us to wield that without breaking the mechanics of anything which makes World of Warcraft tick.

Blizzard has kept Blood Elves and Draenei down for so long and its time we uprise and rebel against the shackles of unfairness which have thus distant held both races down. maybe we can skip the rioting, but if you're a supporter of the Blood Elves or Draenei then you are hoping that in the newest WoW expansion Blizzard will finally get around to be able to fixing up the starting zones for both competitions.

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