Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Mage Introduction in World of Warcraft

By Omar Allegre

Many people think that the magic is amazing. One of the classes in World of Warcraft will allow you to have the ability to do magic. You will find ten original classes for the new players to choose from. The choice of the class is limited by the choice of the race. There are limited number of classes for the each race. The actual mage is not a very powerful class like the warriors. Here I will give an introduction from the mage class. I know that many players are interested in the magic things.

When the character is injured in the battle or the ally is wounded in the challenges, the Priest can heal them at once by using the spells. They can use many different spells. The spells can enable them to heal different kind of injuries. The players are prepared to buy Wow gold other than grinding. They can play a few tricks such as the Mind control and the Dispel Magic. They can control other players' mind by using spells or they can control the mind of the enemies. Make the enemies weak for the limited amount of time.

Their weakness is they cannot have some powerful armors and defense. They are not good at fighting with weapons and armors. The mages can use a variety of utility spells. For example , they can teleportation. They can transfer them to another place in seconds.

They can create their particular portal to the capital cities. They can also have the ability to control the crowd of people. They can use the spells to change their shapes. Why there are so many people that would like to gamesglod from the internet? They can conjure food and water. Will have them able to make burst damage by using their various spells. This is why they are usually effective at PVP even though they have no high level armors.

They are known for their shields. They can use their shields to prevent destruction so that they can heal the character and the ally in a safe place. Fortunately they are specialized in the shadow magic. They can gain the ability to assume shadowform. If they are at a high level they can regenerate mana for the entire party. The Priest can add a lot for the group or the party.

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