Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rift Gold Needed for Caduceus Rise

By Donny Amat

Like most online games, Rift is comparable in that the more gold you have, the easier it will be to achieve higher levels fast. Now we'll introduce some comprehensive ways to collect Rift gold for all of you. Rift is a popular online computer game. Gold is very important in Rift as gold in WoW. And Like Warcraft, Rift is similar in that the more gold you have, the simpler it will be to gain higher levels fast. Here you will learn the comprehensive ways to collect Rift gold.

For the most part, Caduceus Rise will be non-linear, thus you can do any of the first three bosses as you would like, but many groups will kill High Thane Hergen first since he is towards the door. This overstuffed hunk of disgust is a very straight forward battle that just uses several abilities. The most important aspect of the normal mode encounter with the High Thane is that players see and react to his ground dependent AoE and Rift gold prepared.

Then, you can learn early on how to use Auction Houses wisely. This will take a bit of time but it will pay off for you. It is important to know the correct price to sell items for. The best way to do this is to watch what items are selling for and keep a spreadsheet. When you have items to market in your own auction house you want to make sure you know what the market price is for those items so you get the most for your efforts as well as get a fast sale.

Next, pick up two or all three gathering professions early in the game. Those gathering professions are: Mining, Butchering and Foraging. This will allow you to collect your own minerals, gems, leather, wood and herbs without having to buy them from other players. If you have to buy these at early levels the prices are outrageous. It is much better to be on the other end in which you are selling them to desperate players for outrageous prices. In this game, you needRift gold prepared.

Probably it is obvious to carry big bags, but it is an important part of this strategy. The bigger the bag, the more you will be able to carry. Also, if you have a bigger bag you won't waste all the time going back and forth to the vendors, because you can carry much more. The trick is to craft two handed weapons which are rarer and sell for the best price. For variety you can also make and sell range weapons once and for all amounts of gold.

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