Monday, May 7, 2012

How to Buy Wow Gold Instantly

By Michele Jobs

In the World of Warcraft, you can fight against the enemies and align with your friends. It is a computer based game. You can make a lot of friends in the game world. There are now about nine million individuals subscribed to the game. The game players are coming from different countries. You can fight against the enemies within groups or within guild. A guild is usually players have the same goal.

The players who do not want to play the lower levels can buy a merchant account. However, the Blizzard does not allow players buy account. If the company find out the account is bought they will suspend the particular account for a few days. Even the account bought have the risk of being banned the practice persists. The players will always learn how to hide their tracks.

But there are a lot of questions players will meet when they are buying Wow gold. The first thing is to choose a reliable gold seller. It is hard to pick out a good gold seller. The gold sellers are usually individuals or companies. There are also cheaters on the internet. So you will be careful when you are buying Wow gold from the internet. Go to the game forum and have a look at the reviews of each gold selling site.

Once you click the class you want to buy a page confronts the available accounts. The character shown on the screen is the main character on the account. Click the "more info" switch you can have a look of the account statistics such as the professions and gears.

All the things have been confirmed you can click the "add to cart" button and the check out for your order. Using PayPal to buy the account will be safer than using a credit card directly.

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