Saturday, June 16, 2012

PlayStation 4: The Unveiling

By Katherine Martina

Gamers want the PlayStation 4. Even developers desire the new PlayStation 4. Sony says not to expect the PS4 for at least another handful of years. What is a brother to try and do if perhaps he would really love a PS4? If your name is Joseph Dumary, you style and design your very own and cram it with so much advanced tech, the "father of the PlayStation," Ken Kutaragi, would cry tears to see it get past the the idea point. Find the latest news on The Tech Labs.

Improving about the lean PS3's design, Dumary's PS4 theory is made out of 60 % recyclable materials, magnesium alloy as well as carbon, sucks zero watts when in stand by and has a switch that quickly turns off power from the outlet every half an hour and pulls power from the rechargeable battery for around a few minutes.

In Dumary's world, physical media is still alive and kicking. The PS4 console has a 3D Blu-ray optical drive, 1.5TB hard disk, DLNA, five USB 3.0 ports (two on front, three on back), support for 4K resolution, wireless HDMI or DPConnect-compatibility for as much as half a dozen HDTVs plus a controller having a touchscreen that appears like early Wii U fan mock-ups.

The Sony PlayStation 4 has been said to be crafted from eco-friendly elements. The games console is anticipated to generally be made up to 60% of recyclable elements. Aside from that, it will also possess a "Eco Start" attribute, that may enable gamers to save and resume games, without the need to switch off the gaming console.

On top of that, it's choreographed to switch off every thirty minutes of no action. The exciting part is that during this time period, the gaming console will self-charge easily from a rechargeable cell. This doesn't only save energy, but also retains and expands the life span of your gaming console.

Although the system is blended with eco-friendly attributes, it undoubtedly desires those technical specs which are essentially needed for any serious gamers. The PlayStation 4 is expected to sport a 1.5 TB hard disk drive, that allows people to store a lot of video games. It's going to have USB 3.0 ports together with an HDMI connect port.

Being a concept, Dumary's dream machine features do not hang on a minute. There's PS Vita online connectivity, Sony Ericsson synchronization, a great deal of apps as well as widgets, Bluetooth or even a nifty "ECO Restart" feature that continues video games from your last save point from before it was switched off.

We doubt Sony's PS4 will pack as much new technologies as the PS3 did back in 2006, however what exactly are we without dreams?

For the most up-to-date news and updates on the innovative Sony PlayStation, check online today!

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