Monday, September 12, 2011

Copying Wii Games Made Easy - Here's How!

By Grant Dougan

If you're the fortunate owner of a Wii, you might have wondered if there's a way to copy Nintendo Wii games using your computer. This question has been raised several times so today we're going to share with you how this is done.

When you need to burn an Wii game, you can't copy it using your ordinary computer program. The reason for this is that there are guards on the game discs that inhibit your computer from being able to read the disc. You must have specific software to do this. This is because the copyright protections on the games "jumbles" the information and data on the disc.

There are now unique video game copying softwares that are programmed to allow your computer to make sense of Nintendo Wii discs. These softwares let your computer to make backups of your Wii discs.

We should mention that these softwares are intended for people to produce legal backup copies of games. We definately aren't condoning producing illegal copies of games that aren't yours.

The program works in an easy way; it's just like burning a music disc. Whenever you want to burn a Nintendo Wii game you put in the disc, open the program and it will begin to run it's magic.

Your system will produce an image of the game information after you place it in your disc drive. When the image has been created, you just throw in a blank CD and the game information is transferred onto the disc.

If you are buying a software like this, make sure that you get a moneyback guarantee. Just in case you aren't satisfied with it or it doesn't work on your computer, at least you have a way to get your moneyback.

Also, don't pay more than is needed! That might be obvious - I'm sure you are searching for the best deal. But we have seen some programs prices over $90 - this is way too expensive. You will find a software that lets you burn Nintendo Wii discs for under $50 fairly easily.

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