Sunday, September 25, 2011

Xbox History

By Jamie Rickenbacker

About thirty years ago, the computer gaming console company saw only three main players battling it out for glory. Amongst the 3 businesses, Sony was the newest member to the console gaming wars. Companies had been moving towards compact discs as a medium except for Nintendo.

Cartridges are expensive to create and do not hold lots of information. The playstation on the other hand really took a big amount of marketplace share. Due to Sega's continuing poor results within the market, the company brass decided that's was time to focus on something else, software program. But there was a fourth player later on, Microsoft.

The newest player to arrive was Microsoft with its Xbox to take on the Playstation 2. The issue using the Xbox was the availability of really great games. Microsoft knew this and they had to get a very great game for the release with the console. That game, is the legendary Halo.

Microsoft bought out the original company that was designing the game, Bungie. The game was so effective that it's forever entrenched as one of the great console games to be remembered. Without Halo, issues may have been extremely various. More than a million copies of the game had been sold just in the first year of release.

With the imminent release with the new Playstation, Microsoft new they had to have a newer console, the Xbox 360. Released in 2005, it was sleeker and faster than it predecessor. It had vastly superior storage space than its predecessor. It also had a head start as its competitors were only releasing their new consoles the following year.

The network known as Xbox live was a important player in the popularity with the 360. Xbox live even provided cable services. A slight upgraded console was released below the name Xbox 360 S. It was a smaller and more efficient console for all intents and purposes. It was bundled with Kinect, which is really a motion sensing technologies.

They're attempting to emulate the good results of Nintendo's Wii and their motion based games. This genre was largely promoted by Nintendo and now Microsoft desires a piece with the pie. But the Kinect works with out a controller, which is hugely advantageous.

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