Thursday, September 29, 2011

Easily The Best In It's Field - Online Chess

By Nathaniel Mayer

In the old days, you would have to find someone with whom you can play chess. Nowadays, however, it is possible that you can play by yourself by using software. These programs allow one to play chess against computer intelligence when he can't find anyone to play the game with him. These programs have become famous for defeating a well-known chess master during the previous decade, and are very popular among aspiring chess players and those that need a good past-time.

One way to play the Chinese or the Western version of chess is to play chess against computer free of charge in the websites that offer this functionality. These websites are well loved by people because they allow enthusiasts to play chess against computer online at the comfort of their own office, bedrooms or anywhere else they are comfortable. This is a very convenient way of enjoying a good game of chess, and you don't even need a second person in order to start the game.

There are usually two levels of computer chess games: easy or master levels. If you are new to playing chess against the computer, it is recommended that you set off on the easy level to gain experience. This level allows the player to learn the game of chess without any pressure to perform and he will enjoy the game better. When you are more adept at the game, you can progress to play chess against the computer at the master level. This level is more difficult and challenging, so you will be tried and tested. The computer is a machine that has been pre-programmed to think faster with all possible solutions at its 'fingertips'.

When playing Chinese chess against the computer, there will be minor differences that are obvious as there are more pieces in Chinese chess; however, the piece movements are similar in both Chinese and Western chess.

Though challenging, chess is found to be very enjoyable by the young and old alike; it not only develops one's mind and analytical skills, chess can also improve one's management skills as you learn to manipulate and control your 'resources' in the game. Learning to play chess will be easy as you have a very patient and good teacher - the computer. You only need to make time and put in a bit of commitment to learn the game well. Then you can play chess against the computer, your 'teacher' to check your learning curve.

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