Thursday, September 15, 2011

Earning World of Warcraft Gold by Selling Items to the Opposite Faction

By Delphine Eschenbach

Every player in World of Warcraft wants to know how to squeeze much more gold out of the economy. Here is one of the most overlooked World of Warcraft Gold secrets.

The first step is to be able to speak with each other during the transactions to make sure the goods transfer smoothly. Players can talk through the telephone or a voice chat program like Vent or Skype.The second step is to arrange a fee for your friend that is reasonable for the two of you. If you pay your friend to help you out, particularly if you are going to send goods back and forth on a regular basis, the paying can make them know that you are not taking it for advantage and make them more likely to offer the help when it's needed.

If there is a war between two factions, taking the Alliance and the Horde as an example, which side can farm the most money? Some players might make a decent gold selling items, equipments, and materials to their side. However, to truly rake in the gold you need to sell to both. This can not only make you more gold. It is one of the most overlooked WOWGold secrets.Depending on the sever players play on, on faction may be larger than the other. It is like that on most servers. This is the point players should understand the laws of supply and demand. If on side has less members it means that they have less people gathering materials, selling equipment, and providing expendables such as potions.

It is easy to determine the side with fewer players. Players can create a character of the opposite faction and go to one of their auction houses, then compare the price of high volume items there with the prices of your faction. The faction side with fewer players has the higher-priced healing potion, mana potions, and the like.

It is essential to ensure getting the flight paths along the way to make transporting goods between Booty Bay and the home city much easier from now on.

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