Monday, September 26, 2011

Make Use of Rouge Character to Earn Wow Gold

By Cammie Spieker

Everyone is looking for new ways to make gold in World of Wow. The truth is that player will never have enough Wow gold. The players will always on their way looking for World of Warcraft gold.

Wow gold guide should include the detailed home elevators gold farming, gold making tips and questing tips. The most important tip the gold guide should collect is the us going for the auction house.

All the resource in the auction house can be of great use when you want to develop a large portion of Wow gold. I will share with you a few things that include in the guide.

Thankfully, the rouge character class can be easy to handle. This character class can help you earn gold in World of Warcraft. At beginning you may feel hard to play but it can be profitable after a period of playing.

1. People. You should do some research of the population of the area before you go there.

Rouges are masters in picking pockets. This is a kind of skill of them. But you need to reach level 16 before you can learn this skill. Another skill is lock-picking. You should learn the skill first too.

2. Terrain. Another thing to look for when you choose a farming spot is the terrain. If the terrain is smooth and easy to navigate you will usually to stay there and keep farming. If the terrain is rough or ragged you will want to leave there right now. You will not want to continue your farming.

3. Respawn rate. You should know the respawn rate of the mobs in that area before going there. If the rate is high you can absolutely go there. If the respawn rate is low the less mobs you can be killing and the less gold you will earn.

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