Friday, November 11, 2011

Gamers Who Own or Need A Left-Handed Mouse - A Couple of Useful Tricks and Tips

By Vernon Curry

Getting comfortable with a left handed mouse is only one of the many skills you need to participate in online gaming. An ever growing number of people participate in EverQuest, WOW (World of Warcraft) and other MMORPGs (Massive MultiPlayer Online Role Playing Games), so they must have some appeal. Some people take gaming very seriously. There are those who only play occasionally. Do you know what type of gamer you will be? Sure, you want to have fun gaming, but where do you start? The following are some guidelines that will make you into a more accomplished gamer.

A left handed mouse is an investment you will have to make if you are a left handed gamer. You might also pick up an ambidextrous keyboard. This is a keyboard that comes in two parts so that you can shift it around to suit your needs. You can also find keyboards that are designed for gamers in particular, even in some cases left handed gamers. The more specialized keyboards can be expensive, but they will give you an advantage when you play, so you have to decide if it's worth the cost.

It's really best to avoid the alpha dog competitive spirit with gaming. When you're playing with others, remember what your mom said - play nice... or, be a little humble. Everyone has different skill sets, and when you can out-perform something over another person, don't be a jerk about it and run your mouth. Don't get upset when you lose, and it's normal for everyone to lose to someone. Simply congratulate the other player on a match well played. Accept that you have been defeated and try to figure out what you can do to keep it from happening again. If you do that enough people will remember, and you'll have a good rep for yourself.

Just remember to treat others well, and never give anyone a hard time if they make mistakes or maybe are not good. On the other hand, should people give you a hard time or say anything negative; just be cool at all times and don't bite on it and say something. As you know, when a big negative flame session breaks out, rarely does it accomplish anything positive and it usually just takes the fun out of it.

The online gaming community has quite a bit to offer. You can find other people who share your interest. It's a way to escape the pressures of everyday life. To get the most out of online gaming, of course, you should work at improving your skills. You should work on both your technical gaming skills, which can take quite a bit of playing and studying, as well as getting along with your fellow players even if it's not always easy. It's not worth worrying about too much. If you are going to spend hours playing online games, you should enjoy it!

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