Friday, November 25, 2011

A Modded PS3 Controller and Its Advantages to Gamers

By Chuckie Mason

Gaming gear these days are becoming highly praised when it comes to gamers and accessorizing. They are becoming highly fashionable and their capabilities are outstanding. While these days, the majority of the popularity of gaming accessories are geared towards the Xbox 360, there are mods and accessories that are made specifically for the Playstation 3 as well. With items such as a modded PS3 controller with mods like rapid fire or jitter capabilities, Sony gamers can gain the same advantages as their 360 counterparts.

A modded PS3 controller can be played with a wide variety of games, though they are most commonly associated with first-person shooters like Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, or the Sony console exclusive Killzone 3. With Modern Warfare 3 being the most popular franchise out there (due to its recent release), it is likely that the gaming community is populated with heavily experienced gamers as well as others who use a rapid fire controller while playing online. With such a large majority of gamers using rapid fire mods populating the servers, there are only two options that lay before you to choose. Either be at the mercy and receiving end of these gamers or level the playing field all together.

Should you decide to play on their level of playing, it is best that you understand the capabilities of a modded PS3 controller. There are a significant number of this type of gaming accessory, so it best that you find one that is suited for you. The mod that you will need is the one that gives the user an appropriate yet high amount of rate of fire. The reason why is because it allows you to deal damage to your opponents quick at a faster than usual pace. In addition, it makes semi-automatic weapons turn into full automatic weapons.

Another reason why you should commit in a rapid fire controller is that it can fit nearly any type of gaming style that you have encountered in every first person shooter. If you are a defending type player that likes to protect the objective from any threats, it is very likely that you will have to encounter enemy after enemy after enemy. During that time, you won't possesses enough time to deal damage in slim bursts of retaliation, you will need to meet with opposing forces as quick as possible. That is where this mod comes in. If you are the run and gun style of gamer, a mod like this is what you need to comply with your rapidly paced sense of action.

All in all, it is up to you if you wish to make the decision on whether not to get a game-making peripheral. As the days go by, the harsher and more experienced online gamers will be in your favored FPS titles. Who knows? Most games these days come down to winning by a tiny amount of points, and these controllers could be the how your squad managed to win the round. The choice is up to you and you alone.

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