Thursday, November 24, 2011

There's More To Online Gaming Than Left-Handed Mouses - Cool Tricks And Tips

By Celeste Burris

In the world of online gaming, it does not matter if you are left handed or right handed. All that really matters is you're playing and having a great time. Isn't it a bit interesting that the fact you're left-handed matters in many other games/sports but not online gaming. Maybe you'll have to break down and get a mouse for lefties - no big deal, and then you can have all the fun in the world playing your fave games. We're going to talk about a few excellent tips to improve your net gaming results.

You want to be a full patch part of a MMORPG (Massive MultiPlayer Online Role Playing Game)? Thought so, well you'll need to keep yourself informed about the game and what's new with it. Knowing the game is far more critically important than having the gear/equipment, you know - that left-handed mouse thing or getting the best keyboard shortcuts.

This involves reading the forums and websites for your favorite games. What's the purpose for doing so? So that you will know when new patches and fixes for the game are released and when special events happen. Also, a lot of these kinds of important pieces of information are only announced in forums, etc.

Make a serious effort to be a respectful part of the team. Many concepts (with MMORPG's) are the same as traditional team sports. You need to be able to take directions from people more experienced than you.

Online games are designed and intended to be fun for all. Just keep things in their proper perspective so you don't get too emotionally involved and forget to have fun.

So don't be a prima dona or a brat because that will bring everyone down. Remember: there is more to being a good left handed gamer than simply buying left handed mouses. Get your left-handed mouse, if you need one, and have fun.

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