Sunday, May 6, 2012

Guide to Get a Prairie Chicken

By Nerissa Engleby

As we all know, WOW is an extremely popular MMORPG in the world. World of Warcraft Gold is really important for WOW players in the game. Almost everything needs gold to some extent. Without gold, players can perform nothing. They cannot buy new armor, skills, professions, weapons, mounts, and so on.

Basics The dungeon disenchanting feature was released with patch 3. 3. Groups with a high level Enchanter will have an additional "Disenchant" option available when rolling for an item. This option works just like the Avarice option and has the same priority. However , if you select "Disenchant" and win the roll, the item will be automatically disenchanted and you will get the materials directly.

Go into the Wailing Caverns in the Northern Barrens in World of Warcraft. Go straight after you enter the entrance and then you will see a raptor in the game.

Next, you should right click the chicken and accept the Cluck quest in the game. With the chicken still targeted, type "/cheer" and press "Enter". You will find a yellow question mark over the chicken's head in the game. Right click the chicken and click "Complete quest". You can find an ovum next to the chicken in the game.

In addition , right click the egg, and you can find the item in your stock in the game. Then, you should right click it again to add the pet chicken to your collection. Open your spellbook and click "Companions" in order to summon the chicken.

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