Thursday, August 4, 2011

Car parking games: Game On

By Harry Baldwin

Ever since virtual reality came into existence, man has seen it as a challenge to express, innovate and express every feeling, emotion, task and chore he does into the virtual world. Just when the video games had caught the fancy of millions of people around the world, a new innovation burst into the headlines.

At first a luxury to own, the computer soon transformed or rather evolved from a luxury to a necessity. Suddenly, there was an entirely new platform for developer to create new software on. As usual, games were the most in demand, and as it was to be, racing games came to being the most popular pass time for the young, old and everyone in between.

It was in the 1960's that ATARI developed the first ever racing game, but it's only in the mid 80's that the thrill of driving made it to the virtual world. Now the latest entrant into the gaming arena is Car Parking games. These games utilize minimum resources to give maximum fun along with giving you something to think about besides the oodles of fun. The time limits, a tight spot, point deduction for unruly driving and fines for traffic violations just add to the challenge. While many find such games to be nothing but waste of time and as easy as stealing candy from a baby, it's when they put their hands to it that they realize it's far from a cakewalk.

The number of constraints and challenges and obstacles placed before you, make sure that there's a real lot of planning involved before you actually clear the level, which are different for beginners and advanced players on basis of the difficulty of the levels. The icing on the cake? Studies have revealed that careful and sincere practice on these games improves the player's real life parking skills and also their awareness of traffic and road safety violations.

Also with new interactive games being launched which help children learn as they have fun only add to its attractiveness quotient. To summarize, we won't forgive you if you think that the experience of driving and parking in the real world gives you an edge, 'cause in the virtual world everything is possible and after you've been outsmarted, it might just come as a shock that it was a kid who beat you to something he's never done. What a World!

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