Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What You Should Not Put In Your Social Network Profile

By Owen Jones

Everybody has heard of social networking web sites. Social networks such as MySpace and FaceBook. Most surfers who are on line all over the world have at least one account with one of these many, many social networks. They permit people to find long-lost friends, stay in touch with family and create new contacts in places or even countries that they have never visited

When you sign up to one of these social networking sites, you will be asked to fill in account details. These details have nothing to do with a bank account. Rather they are what most members call their 'profile'.

This profile can ask fairly detailed questions on the pretext that the more details you furnish, the easier it will become for your friends to find you, should they be looking.

Typical questions are name, age, sex, address, schools attended, location of work, musical interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes, Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail address book passwords and user names. They also want a photo.

They want your address book so that they can email your friends and tell them that you are now a member and offer them membership as well. So, as you can see, it becomes important to judge just how much detail it is wise or you are prepared to give away.

The first thing to bear in mind is: merely because a social networking site asks you for an answer to a question, do not feel that you have to answer it. For instance, it is the case that if you add plenty of details and a photo, more members will recognize you and ike to make friends, but how many strangers do you want in your home town to know where you live, where you go to school or work and what you look like?

If you are worried that you may be simple for a predator to trace, lie about your location. For example, if you live in a small town, say you live in the nearest big city but make certain you put a matching zip or post code from that city too.

If you post a photo, it is probably not a good idea to put details of where you go and where you live. On the other hand you could supply those details so that friends can find you, and use an avatar or cartoon to represent your image and use a nickname instead of your real name.

If you decide on a nickname, pick a sensible one. 'Hotand Lusty1990' or 'BigBoy1990' are not appropriate for most surfers no matter how funny you may think they are at the time of registration. Do not include your age or a tell-tale to your age either, as in the above cases. Surfers will assume that the number is your year of birth.

The guiding principle should be: how much would I tell a stranger if one walked up to me in the street? Not much, probably. Well, there could be thousands doing just that in the virtual streets of social networking.

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