Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Helpful Information About Internet Security That Can Keep Kids Protected

By Eugene Yeng

The internet has opened all avenues of activity to a large portion of the world. People can now shop, sell, chat, date, flirt, go to college and bank with an internet connection. And these are only a few of the options available. All of these things are better when done with some level of privacy. Protecting sensitive information is important as well. One of the most treasured commodities that the world has is that of our young ones. They too have access to this vast lake of information which means that certain elements have access to them as well. Here is some useful information about internet security that will help protect future generations.

One of the most sinister acts that is taking place on the internet these days is that of targeting minors. All over the world menacing people stalk websites like deranged, starved animals waiting for unsuspecting prey to wander in to their strike zone. All over the world, or perhaps the city-maybe even the neighborhood-these cyber stalkers prowl with the intention of luring adolescents.

These people may attempt to lure children to all types of unsightly, unwholesome places on a computer such as sites containing pornography or excessive violence. A vast amount of these types of sites exist online today and can easily be stumbled upon with a questionable internet search word.

A parents worse nightmare could be the one where one of these stalkers attempt to make a face to face meeting with their child. Regardless of the reason behind this engagement one can imagine the danger and vulnerability a young person might be faced with one that goes wrong or where malice is intended.

Parents should be aware of some of the steps they can take to protect their children from these possible scenarios. Besides from good, old fashioned education and talks about never talking to strangers, the high tech world is offering its own version of protection.

There are ways, via software with security measures that users can install. Programs such as anti-virus and anti-spyware can be downloaded to a computer. This will reduce the risks of obtaining malicious software and spying. It will also help prevent stolen information like bank account numbers, credit card numbers, pins and passwords.

To control and monitor what children are perusing on the web may be accomplished with either built in parent controls or additional programs that are available. Filtering and obstructing what a children can access is customizable and easy to use. It can even record instances of key words that are searched and entire categories can be blocked. Many companies currently use this kind of software to control what their employees do with corporate equipment.

Two of the best options that this software offers is that of "designation". Different profiles can be loaded on computers for different people. What is OK for a sixteen year old boy to access may not be appropriate for a younger sibling. Parents can also set conditions where the inappropriate content could launch a block command, issue a warning message, make a log entry, or other actions.

There will always be people in the world who are up to no good. Whether they are out to steal or do harm people should ensure that they are protected from those who intend to do evil. Making sure that our children remain safe can be made simpler with some useful information about internet security.

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