Sunday, August 14, 2011

Latest Game Review

By Jessie Christensen

If you are a big fan of the Star Wars Series, you have probably noticed the release of this new game-Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. First of all, I was attracted by the intriguing intro movie. Everything is so good looking. However, as soon as I played the game for 2 hours, I knew this game is for the hardcore fans only, because of the ordinary game play. The game becomes a repetition of meaningless fights and keyboard pounding too soon.

The Star Wars The Force Unleashed 1 had great success because of its story. It is well written and fills an important gap in the Star Wars Series story. It feels natural and attractive. But this time, the storyline is a bit too artificial, giving the players an impression that the events developed this way only to allow the company to make another game. This artificialness kills the experience. It becomes not as engaging as before.

Now to the combat system. I believe every one who watched Star Wars has imagined possessing with the power of the Force. And this game gives you exactly the opportunity to experience that. You can use force push to kick a whole bunch of soldiers off the cliff or does whatever you find amusing. But then again the lack of engaging story lines makes it quickly dull. It is just not interesting anymore after you have done everything possible for one hundred times.

Variety is something LucasArts attempted to address in combat, and the developers accomplish this to an extent, but it doesn't go deep enough. The first Force Unleashed had a ton of enemies who were varied in appearance, but not in how they fought, and LucasArts sought to address this by having fewer, more differentiated enemy types. Unfortunately, though, this too is underdeveloped, with combat mostly boiling down to realizing "enemy X can be killed only with lightsabers, while enemy Y can only be killed with the Force." They combine these enemies in ways that occasionally present a challenge, but eventually they repeat this formula over and over again that it becomes more tedious than new and exciting.

Not that any moment in The Force Unleashed 2 lasts all that long, as it's surprisingly short. I'm not one to complain about length normally, as I think games can be short if the experience is tight and consistently inventive, but despite taking less than six hours to complete on Normal, TFU2 manages to be demonstrably repetitive. The world's that Starkiller visits in the game are beautiful, and make me want to know more about the cultures they represent, so it's a shame I don't get anything more than a cursory look at them.

Overall, the game is good looking. The world it presents is very beautiful but there is nothing else that makes the experience worthwhile.

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