Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Start With A 1 Prim Barstool in Second Life

By Alan Stevens

Second Life is a terrific place to be but if you are not building you are depriving yourself of beginning knowledge. This is an awesome way to start a building knowledge for beginners.

There is a method that can be used build an 1 prim barstool in Second Life. This is important because there are limits to how many prims are allowed on a piece of land. This is also commonly referred to as primfficiency.

First right click on the ground and select build. Then click the ground again and a box is formed. Under the objects tab change from a box to a tube.

Select the edit tab and use rotation so that it is standing up. Next use move to pull it up a bit. It may be partially in the ground.

Next change the size of the prim. You can use stretch and change the size that way, I usually change the size parameters. Change the size settings to 1.000 meter each.

Next start cutting the barstool. In the profile cut begin/end. use about.25 for the beginning and about.95 for the ending. Next move up to the hollow tab and begin hollowing. It will begin in the middle and work it's way out.

As the sides hollow out it will begin to look like a barstool.. This is also a good trick for other projects as well, such as a dumbbell or wagon wheels.

To finish this project select the general tab. on the click to: setting select sit on object. After the build profile is closed when you click on it your avatar will sit. Congratulations you have just built a 1 prim barstool.

The basics are simple to master. The 1 prim barstool is a great starting point for many other building projects in the future. Once this very simple starting point is under your belt the rest will be fun and easy.

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