Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is Reseller Hosting?

By Gregory Trune

After selecting an appropriate web host, you need to further choose a plan which would suit you the most. Basically, it all depends on what your finances permit you to do, besides your requirement. This is important since the needs of a smaller website owner will be less than what would be needed by a big corporation. The hosting plans offered by the companies are meant for everyone, right from the small owners, to relatively bigger ones, to the huge website owners. The hosting plans also allow you to gain extension into a whole network of sites.

So what you essentially have to do is decide between a starter plan for the uninitiated, a plan that hosts a large website and provides for over one domain, or a dedicated server that is expensive and hosts a network of various sites for business purposes mainly.

For all the people who are entering in to the internet based business, it is a fact that they will be needing larger web sites as and when their demand increases. The case is the same even in the case of web designers, on the successful completion of a web design the demand for the web designs increases. In order to save yourself from burning a hole in your pocket while setting up any of the business project it is advisable that you have an affordable, and also a flexible plan chalked out. The best answer to and the best solution to all these concerns is reseller hosting.

Reseller hosting is quite a well paying job in its own and a lot of people are actually making quite lot of money from it. Let us take an example, in case you buy reseller account that allows you a hundred domains for every account for say a sum of $55. Now if you are able to sell each of the account that you have bought under your account for a sum of 410 then you can get an amount of $1000 per month, and you can earn all this amount only for an investment of $55.

All you have to do is to set up an account and in the process you will be required to answer to a few queries but there is no major hurdle as such because responsibility of running a web server shall be taken over by the hosting company. You may also need to spend a little money for advertisement and promotion of your web hosting business, but this amount is quite small as compared to the huge amount of profit that you will be able to pocket.

So, Let us look at the actual meaning of a reseller hosting.

Basically, it is a kind of web hosting which enables you to use your hard drive space and the bandwidth as well, for hosting websites on a third party's behalf. Your job is to act as a reseller and as such, you can buy the facilities provided by the host and sell those to other clients at a high price, making a good profit in the bargain. You can collect the charges for the bandwidth and the hard drive from your customer. So it may be said that the reseller leases a dedicated server from a web hosting company to a third party. By just reselling the services, you are not required to take a server on rent from the web hosting company.

Most of the resellers are the ones who either web developers or who run web designs. In case of fresher, reseller hosting is a cheap and economical way in which they can start off with their own business. Even in the case of more experience people such as web masters and also internet consultants reseller hosting is a very lucrative avenue. Here most of the hosting resellers give full independence to the individual resellers to have their own service and fees structure.

There are many advantages associated with such a system, some of which are mentioned below.

First of all, you need not have a sound and technical knowledge of how web hosting works. The owner of a dedicated server will take care of the server and its configuration, since that's his responsibility. He prima facie also take the responsibility of security and updates made to it as per your requirement, while the main responsibility of the operator of the data center is to maintain the hardware and the infrastructure requirements. As a reseller, your job would be to provide answers to the problems faced by the customers, but all the problems regarding software, hardware and configuration are forwarded to the provider of the server. The resellers can gain web supervision over the accounts of the customers by using the Control Panels. A soft ware "Modern Bill" provides great help to resellers due to its facility of automatically creating and billing accounts. Some of the listed Control Panels are:

Helm- Windows

WHM/cPanel- Unix

DirectAdmin- Unix

WHM/cPanel- Unix

Ensim Pro- Windows/Unix

Helm- Windows

There are many advantages of reseller hosting and we shall jot down a few here. Firstly there are noteworthy benefits over both short and long term for the reseller. You can build up your own hosting business on your own terms and conditions without providing any excuses to the server provider. Some server owners alloy a separate IP address for your nameservers. You can host as many websites as you want provided you have the required disk space and bandwidth. A marked feature of most reseller accounts is that they are flexible and allow you to expand your hosting account when you deem it necessary.

Most of the resellers provide a package deal to the customers and also provide discount that reach up to 50% to the resellers, this discount is given on the price of the initial reseller hosting account. Reseller hosting is a perfect answer for all the people who wish to have reliable and consistent performance in their business.

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