Saturday, November 5, 2011

Childrens academic computer games

By Jason Moffat

The primary reason for inclusion in the top 10 was the impact a game had on the educational gaming field. A few of these are getting rather long in the tooth as far as games go, yet their impact is still being felt in tutorial research that was foundational or continues to be revealed. On the other hand, new titles are coming out all the time and this list may well change in the future.

The factors for inclusion were easy. The game must be free and preferably available on the net. Some of the games are modifications of existing games (often Neverwinter Nights). Hence mods are free but to run them you'll need to get the first engine. But that is a minor quibble since they're free if you already own the engine.

I am curious about other titles, so if you have a fave that's not on the list, drop me an email and let me know about it. Ultimately, I also included the learning objectives, host URLs, and my comments on the games. Hence give these academic games a look-see, and think about employing them in a study room or other formal learning situation. And make sure I know about it if you do.

1. Revolution

Type: Modification of Neverwinter Nights Gold

Learning Objective: Experience historic motivations for the North American Revolution from the grassroots level.

Comment: This is the game that started people talking about seriously using the modifiable Neverwinter Nights engine for educational purposes. A few papers were published on this game, focusing on its interactive method of teaching scholars about the American Revolution. It was maybe best introduced to teachers in a generally read article by Joel Foreman over at George Mason in the first issue of Innovate.

2. Re-Mission

Type: Executable

Learning Objective: Understand cancer better and build up a positive perspective towards defeating it.

Comment: It is a gigantic download, but really worth the wait. The game from HopeLab is aimed at teaching young cancer patients about the disease and providing chances to boost understanding in a positive environment. It offers the latest in educational videogame design, with backing from a well-funded sponsor. Also available in Spanish and French, and can be ordered for free on CD by mail.

3. Brook Town

Type: Multi-user Virtual Environment

Learning Objective: Develop an experience of the scientific methodology thru investigation and teamwork, as well as an appreciation for history and ecological problems.

Comment: One of the two massive NSF projects for educational gaming on this list, with a few years of study following its progress. This Harvard product is freely available to colleges, but only on disc through the mail. The team favors sending it to teachers wishing to use the program in science classes. Chris Dede lead the project.

4. Quest Atlantis

Type: Multi-user Virtual Environment

Learning Objective: Help scholars understand social studies, ecological concerns, current events, and scientific standards.

Comment: Though this Indiana Varsity project offers a guest area where interested parties can explore the Quest Atlantis universe, the NSF-funded project requires teachers contact the team before allowing total access. One or two thousand participators have joined QA, and research is continuing. Sasha Barab fronted the project

5. Arden

Type: Modification of Neverwinter Nights Diamond

Learning Objective: Achieve an appreciation of Shakespearean authorship and Elizabethan Britain.

Comment: As a part of the Major Worlds Initiative over at Indiana School, Arden was at first sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation. Executive producer is Edward Castronova, whose book Synthesised Worlds covers plenty of the economic and societal problems in MMOs. Castronova has professed that Arden is not awfully exciting to common gameplayers (no monsters to slay). However , the idea of exploring Shakespeare's world should prove engaging to English majors and other fans of the Bard's work.

6. The History Canada Game

Type: Modification of Civilization III

Learning Objective: Understand social forces surrounding Canadian history since 1534.

Comment: O Canada! Down here south of the border, we hardly know ye! But , an initiative sponsored by Canada's National History Society and The Historica Foundation aims to change that, for Canadians as well as those outside her borders.

7. America's Military

Type: Executable

Learning Objectives: Teamwork, and a greater appreciation of US military expectancies for recruits.

Comment: Critics. Decry this free videogame as a inducting tool for the army. The Army shrugs its collective shoulders and says, "So?" Actually , America's Army has many fans with no army expectancies. One Ph.D. Candidate I work with is a self-described "America's Armed forces widow." Virtually 3 gigs for the unrestricted version; its free nature guarantees many adherents for several years to come.

8. Food Force

Type: Executable

Learning Objectives: Understand world hunger and efforts to diminish it.

Comment: Study room materials and directions are available on-site. Besides English, the UN-backed Food Force is available in (alphabetical order) : Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese[**] Norwegian, Polish, and Portuguese.

9. Whyville

Type: Instructional Online Virtual World

Learning Objectives: Provide a student-centered, hands-on environment for exploring various school subjects.

Comment: This Numedeon-backed product is targeted at elementary and middle school students, in the hope of encouraging "scientific discovery" and "social responsibility."

10. SimCity

Type: Net-based

Learning Objectives: Understand variable manipulations for urban management while having a great time building a simulated town.

Comment: Critics have attacked its oversimplification of urban management, but numerous kids the world over have learned such truisms as the correlation between higher taxes and a unhappy people. Also, if you deplete the fire departments ' budget, calamities will annihilate your town! The original SimCity is available online free from Electronic Arts, with adverts for the newest version, SimCity 4.

Eventually a great continuing resource for childrens educational games in the United Kingdom must be from the BBC and their CBBC aimed at babies and CBEEBIES targeted at even younger kids.

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