Thursday, March 15, 2012

Have More Fun Online by Gaming

By Georgina Kelly

It's normal for online gaming beginners to feel a bit overwhelmed because it all looks so daunting. Seems like the newbie is dissed and viewed as someone's pain in the rear little brother or sister.

One of the best ways to become a fully fledged member of any MMORPG (Massive MultiPlayer Online Role Playing Game) gaming community is to keep up with the current events of the game. Doing so is a step above merely owning the equipment like the keyboard shortcuts (shorts) or the fabled left-handed mouse (if you're a... you know).

This involves reading the forums and websites for your favorite games. Why should you do this? Remember - you need to show your community that you're involved and committed; so to that end you have to be there, be knowledgeable and informed; plus there are game fixes/patches that come out as well as other info. Some of these things are only announced on forums or blogs so try your best to keep up.

The flip side of the coin is that you'll soon enough be doing the same to beginners, and you must be able to do that and do it without an attitude. The concept of the team in sports, or other areas, is that the goal is for the team to win, and sometimes that necessitates making sacrifices for the good of the team. If you refuse to give any of your ground, you won't have very many people who want to play with you. Of course you can keep the team's priorities first while still having a great time.

There will be a time when you also will need to take the same kind of action. There are lots of potential scenarios, and you will need (at times) to do things out of the ordinary. The unwillingness to do things like that will not put you in good stead with others. Just remember that if you're on a team within a community, then it's important to serve the team's best interest.

Online games are designed and intended to be fun for all. If you take it too seriously or try to be super stubborn about getting your own way, you won't have any fun.

So avoid being a brat, if you are one - because people think that sucks and it's no fun. Remember: there is more to being a good left handed gamer than simply buying left handed mouses. Gaming in about fun, not the left-handed mouse affair.

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