Thursday, March 29, 2012

With Armor Games, Flash Gaming Is Surpassing Other Platforms

By Lindsay Rochester

When gamers and non-gamers unite on social networking sites, the results can be unharmonious. The gamers end up with too few few online friends to play with while the non-gamers complain bitterly about their newsfeeds being spammed by players looking for in game help. Armor games has resolved that issue by providing a site that focuses on gaming while simultaneously supplying social networking tools. This way, gamers can interact with one another and meet plenty of gaming buddies.

In addition, it has some passionate developers working constantly on creating concept ridden play that really hits the mark. Certain genres have been lagging in quality on other platforms. Flash gaming is leveling the fields, forcing developers to supply play as addictive as it was in the old days.

RPG games are a case in point. In the past, when 3D graphics and 360 degree vision didn't exist, this genre was extremely complex strategically. If players wanted to kill an enemy, they had to find out every detail about that creature before standing a chance.

Today, though, with developers fiddling so much with superb graphics, they've become a simple task of sword swinging and little else. Flash gaming has brought development down to size, showing them that strategy is the ultimate goal. Because they are unable to expend energy or create appeal around the looks of the game, they're forced to give players different value: entertainment.

The site excels with this genre. When it comes to the puzzle game, on other platforms its becoming endangered, probably because developers don't get to splash out on graphics with them. All the poor puzzle fans have been left in the lurch. This site has plenty to keep them happy.

Armor games has other categories too, including arcade, sports, shooting and adventure. Users rank them according to preference. This makes it very simple to navigate to locate the most exciting options available.

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