Monday, March 12, 2012

Why Kids Still Play Sonic Games Online

By Simon Smith

There are an entire host of newer gaming consoles offering all types of vivid, three dimensional adventures to gamers, yet there are many gamers of all ages that are still playing sonic games online. The goal of this article is to help the reader better understand why. There are certain things that make newer three dimension titles unattractive to many gamers, also be sure to not forget that the classics sold well for a reason.

The worst thing about the console offerings that are being tossed around today is how very complicated they are. A war game makes a person feel like they are actually training to fight in a war! The controllers have dozens of buttons and sticks, and every offering wants to make full use of them. Sometimes maneuvering through these 3D adventures is so hard to learn, that the fun goes away.

Another negative side effect that is associated with these 3D offerings is motion sickness. It is true that this type of effect only occurs in some people. It is also important to note that there are many people that get sick from these 3D renderings. Some people might even become so dizzy that they have to lie down. Others might feel only a mild discomfort, yet this effect is undesirable nonetheless.

The gaming mascot that is being covered within the context of this article is one of the most famous ones around! He and his friends are such interesting and color characters that they have been featured in many forms of entertainment in the past. These characters can be found in the television of yesteryear and also in old comic books. There are many 3D titles that still utilize these great characters.

The best advantage the the 2D, side scrolling titles have to offer is that they are very simple and easy to learn. Since they are easy to learn, they typically offer immediate fun. Since the simple nature of the game play still allows for a lot of depth, the experience is still a very rewarding experience. These are some of the reasons that these titles did so well in the past.

A lot of people that used to play these type of titles on the classic consoles might be thinking that they will not be as good on the web. This couldn't be any further from the actual truth. Just like on the consoles, the controls are simple to learn and the adventures are rewarding. Also consider that with advances in flash based gaming technologies, the graphics are much better!

These characters are such important characters in the history of gaming, that there are a number of quality websites offering these titles. Some of them are rehashes of the original titles, and others are entirely new adventures all together. It's just like the 16 bit days all over again and adult players with children might want to educate them on these titles.

It is hoped that anybody reading this will now be able to understand why so many gamers are starting to play sonic games online. These type of side scrolling adventures offer a level of fun that newer titles will never be able to match. This is why they were so popular for so many years in the past.

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