Monday, March 26, 2012

Obtain a Banker Alt to Make RIFT Platinum

By Nannette Vernazza

In the new game RIFT players are crazy about making RIFT platinum. Many ways are actually applied by the players in the game in order to make platinum. Get a banker alt is a very important part along the way of earning platinum. Banker alt is never new to the players. If you have ever played a massively multi-player online role playing game you must know what I am talking about. You can imagine how much easier they can make your existence.

Flipping items in the auction house is mainly about buying the items regarding low price and then resell them for higher price in order to make a profit. It is not an exact rule. It is difficult to say which way will work and which way will not work for you. Basically, you will try more and obtain experienced in the auction house. In order to make more profit you should have a good knowledge of the market and your server's economy.

It will not be enough to combine your bank with the auction house in order to sell the materials you have gathered. If you have too many materials you can store them in your banker alt inventory. To put them within the inventory you will never feel forced to sell them. They are worth a lot of R.

After their bags are full of fish, they will drop the fishes. The bag space are limited, they can just hold certain amount of fishes. When other players drop the things you can pick up them. If the items are of no use to you, you can sell the items for platinum eagle. The platinum will be enough for your character and you will not need to buy RIFT platinum any more.

Your main character can earn the items for sale and then send them to the alt character through email. Then the alt character can sell the items for platinum. You will save lots of time to explore. You will do not need to spend too much time on the way back and forth.

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