Friday, March 23, 2012

Obtain a Banker Alt to Make RIFT Platinum

By Dudley Jungwirth

You should get some materials in your game playing in RIFT. You can make use of the components to earn platinum as well as bank them. When you move out of the beginner zone, the price of the ores should go up. You can gather as much ores as you can when you are in the beginner zone. After you move out of the beginner zone you will want to level up your professions. You will need some platinum to level up.

And you will turn the materials into platinum in the auction house. There are 1-2 types of materials that you can use to gain levels your professions. You are able to use your own materials for free and you can sell the remained materials for RIFT Platinum within the auction house. Crafting could be a good profession for you to make the materials valuable.

You can craft for profit. It will be tough to craft for profit. Only when you have a high level crafting profession you could make a lot of profit. Low level crafting profession will cost you some time to get up. When you are in low level, you should level up your crafting profession. There are many ways to level up this profession. You can Buy RIFT Platinum and buy the materials to level up your profession.

It is easy to create a banker alt. It does not require you to do a lot of work. You just make another character and deliver it to the main city near your main character. You will make it Buy RIFT Platinum for your main character. It can market the items and materials for your main character.

You can choose to be a tool smith you can craft the items into weapons such as the iron hunting rifle. Then you can sell the weapon for a significant revenue. Even it is only a green item it will worth more than other green items. Rune crafter can earn a lot within RIFT. Runes are rare items that in big demand.

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