Friday, March 16, 2012

The Quickest Way to Get Platinum for RIFT

By Georgann Curtice

I write this article in purpose of giving the basic explanation of the new massively multi-player online role playing game. Before you can play the game, you will have to buy it. You can buy the game from the official web site or you can buy it from the Amazon. RIFT is a new game developed by Triton Realms. It is the same style of game as the ever popular World of Warcraft.

As far as I know, the particular caleston rift is the easiest place to find platinum for RIFT. You can mine for plat in the mass world of caleston. Even your character has a mining profession; it cannot mine for plat everywhere in the mass world of RIFT. You should first scan the area to see if there are some deposits of plat. If there are some deposits, you can launch a probe to collect the particular mineral.

I can summarize my game playing experience and give you some simple tips. If you have any better tips you can add them in the comments section of my article. In the wonderful game, you may make platinum with quests. Quests is always a good way to make platinum in RIFT. When you are in the first few levels, you will be making platinum by completing the quests.

This game has some unique twist which has never been seen in a game. The whole game is based on the world of Telara. You will get into the back story without spending much time. You can read the whole back story on the official rift website. The player characters are spirits raised from the dead in order to combat the great dragon lord. Players can equip their character with the callings. They can choose one of the four callings-warrior, cleric, mage and rogue.

These classes can be getting into subclasses. There are two interesting parts within RIFT-the rifts and the dynamic layered world. In the mass world of rift players will need to protect them carefully. Once they are usually killed by the dragon, they will need RIFT plat to get revived. Some of the game players are lack of RIFT plat. They are willing to buy RIFT platinum sometimes.

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