Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Few Things You Should Know About The Razer Hydra

By Tony Silbert

Sixense and Razer came out with the new motion controller called the razer hydra designed for the computer where it can be used with high end games like skyrim, the razer hydra acts as a wii controller just for the personal computer or mac.

Sport with the hydra? When the wii first came out many players decided it is a good thing as you can now play your games and get into shape, but the low graphics left many gamer's out.

Enjoy high end graphics with the ability to swing your arms wherever you want, this is what the hydra allows you to do but a full exercise will not come out of this only your arms will get stronger has you play games with the hydra.

When the hydra first came out there weren't many games, which were available to play with it, but now there's thousands of titles that work with the hydra, this just comes to show you that the company is devoted to the product.

Using the new program from sixense the guys who made the hydra with razer you can now make the hydra work with any type of game you want I even played with it league of legends a few times.

Razer Hydra Improves Your Gaming Experince - The hydra itself allows you to move and shot and pull, which are a great addition to any computer game even mmorpg and moba type games.

Like you can imagine moving around and slashing with your character instead of pressing a button is pretty fun. This allows you to go into the game world and enjoy it even more.

The hydra price tag stands on 100$ or 150$ for the mac this is not cheap at all, but if you take in mind all the possibilities that the razer hydra offer, it is well worth it.

You can also expect the hydra to make you a better player in first person shorter the simple fact that your hands are up, and you are in a much more intense position allow your mind to be much more alert to the sounding and less messing with the mouse.

When all things have been checked the razer hydra is one great addition to your gaming arsenal more even if your trying to spice your gaming world a bit.

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