Sunday, October 28, 2012

Warcraft Gold Guide

By Taly Kent

Making gold in the world of warcraft is not simple and that's why there's so many guides out there promising to teach players how to get to the gold cap. The question is can they deliver? Let's find out.

Mists of pandaria brings with it a lot of awesome new changes and great fresh places to explore.

I needed to find a guide that will fit me one that didn't say play for eight hours grinding that place and earn 5k gold, simply because I wouldn't do that, and even if I wanted to that much grinding I can't because of my work and my other obligations.

Hayden Hawke's gold guide and zygor profession's guide were to only two guides, I found interesting enough.

Get your professions up that's what most gold guide shout at you, just upgrade your professions to the highest level and sell your items on the auction house, aldo this might be true if that all there is to it, then why did I buy your guide in the first place I mean come on...

I decided to go for the Hayden H guide with weekly updates and a main focus on the auction house that's what I wanted.

Was I surprised when I started making gold on the 4th day with 20 minutes of work per day i found myself starting to cash in 200-400 gold per day, and as I moved through the guide things just kept getting and better.

That was the time when I moved from 100-200 a day to 1500-3800 gold a day still not 5k gold for my 20 minutes a day's effort but who cares! I was getting rich, and I was loving it. Taking care of eight characters that now need to go from 85 to 90 well you can guess I didn't have the time to worry for money and this daily 3500 gold check in helped me a lot.

The member's area inside the Hayden Hawke gold guide was awesome each week a new post. I really love it.

The guide is pretty huge with 200 pages I made most of my reading in the member's area as I preferred more fresh method instead of going through the 200 page monster.

If you're looking for world of warcraft gold guide, then I will recommend you got for the Hayden Hawke but remember there are always other free options online with a little more time and effort you can still make a lot of money without a guide.

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