Friday, October 5, 2012

Understanding Terms Related To Space MMO Culture

By Aaliyah I. Herzog

As online role playing games become more popular around the world, many of them, including space MMO titles, are developing their own unique culture. MMORPG's now represent a notable chunk of the global gaming market, accounting for millions of dollars in sales and month subscriptions. The developers that dedicate themselves to create and manage these games have to constantly stay on top of changes in the game since the game's servers are constantly running and players can log into the game 24 hours a day from distinct parts of the world. Since these games are extremely different from console based RPG's that are made just for one player, a culture has developed online with its own terminology related to MMORPG's.

Space MMO games are constantly getting updated by their designers so that there is fresh content for players to enjoy and the game never becomes boring. In an effort to udate game play and force players to reconsider their approach to their favorite MMORPG, designers often send out updates that buff or nerf specific in-game character classes. Buffing is in reference to a positive change, such as the granting of additional and beneficial abilities to a certain class of character. While certain classes are buffed, others are nerfed in that their skill sets are limited and some of their advantages are taken away through changes to the game.

You need to know how you are doing as you play your favorite space MMO game, so the majority includes a leveling system. You can move your character to a higher level through a practice called grinding, which is basically the act of defeating one enemy after another until you reach a desired level. Anyone who has played an MMORPG in the past can attest to the fact that grinding is a very normal part of getting a character through the beginning of a game and into the endgame levels.

Of course, no online game would be complete without the social element of an in-game chat interface that lets you talk to other players. Every game has its own chatting culture, such as abbreviations that refer to locations, enemies, and items in the game those players are sure to learn as they play.

Space MMO games are so popular that they have literally developed their own culture. When you start playing an MMORPG, you may be surprised by how quickly you become a part of the culture, too.

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