Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ice Age Online Members Love Exploring The Past

By Ted V. Volkman

Ice Age online is a new run and jump browser game, filled with exciting story lines and enjoyable encounters united with many beloved characters from the original and renowned movie series. Participants can gain membership for free by simply submitting a working e-mail address and pass code for access to the interface, where a world lost ages ago comes to life as individuals personalize their own megalonyx, with embellishments, furs, and other selections, to advance through levels. Players will progress at a faster rate by purchasing affordable upgrade packages, which warrant additional acorn money as well as unlimited spending for a restricted amount of time.

Crash and Eddie, the loveable twin brother opossums, calm their playful antics to host a quick tutorial to teach players the moves and skills required to successfully win the game, by highlighting special exclamation marked boulders which display such material. These informational stones offer tips on enjoyable endeavors like mud bubbles, snowballs, and other game features. Upon completion, players must embark upon their quests to gather resources like rocks, ammunition, acorns, twigs, leaves, and more, while defeating enemy adversaries to survive.

Exclusive possessions and other items collected throughout game play are stored in the personal campsite designed for each member. The game store is accessible at this location where these supplies and other functional items, including decorative supplies such as adorable snow sloths, flowers, crystal trees, cranberry bushes, tar pits, and more, are available for purchase. Within the campsite also rests a tree protected by Scrat to store collected acorns, as this location is also home to the other returning cast members like Manny and Diego. Once gathered from certain locations, these team members will hunt for valuable resources in exchange for food- rewarding them with their favorite meals will present immediate bonus items to the player also.

Ice Age online, amongst many other MMO's, provide players with communication proficiencies such as e-mail and chat capabilities to allow teammates and adversaries alike to exchange friendly dialogue, or witticisms, in good sportsmanship. Guardians concerned with possible content matters are comforted by the age restriction this game places on children at the age of 13 and younger. Members not only utilize e-mails to stay in contact with friends made during the course of the game, but to receive and review crucial messages regarding game information such as new worlds, new upgrades, and more.

Non-stop adventure, such as taking part in the fun bonus mini-games after collecting special tablets or avoiding bottomless pits, crumbling grounds, and watery graves, awaits every individual. Typically, valuable items can be discovered by not only defeating enemies but smashing blocks or checking secret passageways as well. Interested individuals should log on today to gain membership to one of the best browser games currently online.

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