Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Microsoft's New Technology Turns Your Living Room Right Into A Video Game

By Guy Quam

A new patent that has been filed through Microsoft shows your entire living room being turned into a virtual game environment. The latest technology is very likely to engage in the Xbox 720 and will be able to project the environment of a game you are playing into the walls of your games room. The system is being known as "environmental display". For Microsoft this would certainly be taking the Xbox 360 Kinect to another level, and something no other console has done before.

The environmental display is apparently meant to match with Microsoft's 3D Kinect glasses that have the chance to monitor exactly where you're looking and make a 3D image.

Aside from the projection system there's a 3D depth camera that sends out infrared light to locate a player and place you in the environment. The environmental immersion system that Microsoft will probably 1 day be developing is an amazing attribute, the Xbox 360 console was created a lot more productive with the release of the motion sensor Kinect, so is motion sensing the near future for gaming?

This seems really fascinating and will certainly take gaming to the next level. The concept of virtual reality has been around for the past two decades yet it has never truly taken off. Console developers have embraced high definition and now motion sensor technology rather. 3D gaming also has reared it's head but gaming has yet to reach the levels of virtual reality. The idea of showing an environment certainly appears to be taking the idea of virtual reality and creating it a chance but there are several drawbacks.

The Xbox 360 bundles together a serious gaming experience and with Xbox Kinect you can choose to play more lively and enjoyable games. Among the major defects of this system we can see is the call to have a vacant room with white wall surfaces? How many people have a spare room in our home that's fully committed to our Xbox 360 console and has no furniture? Projecting an environment virtually rules out the vast majority of gamers. Individuals only don't have an extra room and this is exactly where things get tricky.

If virtual reality has been depicted in television or films, it has often been created via a headset of some sort. Just time will tell just what exactly Microsoft is organizing with this patent but we are in for a fascinating gaming future. It surely is a very interesting idea, and one that may be developed for the next generation of Xbox consoles.

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