Monday, November 12, 2012

When Movie And Software Collide- The Mummy Game

By Roger X. Jones

For anyone who fell head over heels with The Mummy, released in 1999, will be delighted to find The Mummy Game picks up where the first two series finished, with Rick O'Connell at the Oasis of Ahm Shere, defeating the Scorpion King. Based upon these famous storylines, the game begins in the 1930's when an adventurous wife becomes extremely ill from a set of coveted rocks she discovered. Her adventure concluded with the discovery of "The Stones of Rancor," coveted rocks of Ramses; bed stricken with the curse held by these rocks, her husband must embark on a journey to find the cure to save her life.

The Mummy Game is not restricted to just the husband role; several various combinations of levels and characters have been invented to best suit any player. Playing as a treasure scouring male librarian or a female assassin to assist the dark side is just a mouse-click away. The game has also restored the proverbial foes from the movie series, such as the rotted mummies and Anubis warriors with khopesh swords. To compliment all the heroes and enemies presented in the game are the levels and maps as well; they were crafted after movie scenes and also include voice cameos from the films.

The Anubis warriors that Rick once confined back into the sands will come to life once again with the conjuring of a wicked princess by the name of Masika. The game has been formulated for the user to decide what path they want their character to follow- for the common good or defeating of the world. In this quest, a diverse range of sequences are at the players fingertips to choose from, not only characters, but maps, artifacts, and armaments.

The pigmy fighters can be grueling enemies in the game at the Oasis of Amunet, just as they were in the movies. Only backing down to souls of greater religious power than themselves, these cannibals are hand to hand combatants equipped with spears ready at a moment's notice to jump out from behind a tree. Players must also be alert of the nesting scarabs present all over Amarna, which is the name of the grounds The Mummy Game takes place in. Other fields of battle include the Bazaar and the Ruins of Tabari, both with their own hazards such as giant scorpions, jackal-headed warriors, and mummies.

Anyone can engage in this three dimensional game in their browsers for free online. Upon watching the trailer, anyone can see this game is as action packed and fast paced as the movies are, making for a trendy and extremely enjoyable game. Logon now to The Mummy Game and accept any role and adventure your heart aspires.

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